Often we are called in to appraise Stucco once it has been allowed to decay and age beyond its salvageability. When we meet with homeowners to discuss Stucco Failure, we also seek to find the root of the problem first.

Stucco Siding is porous and requires regular maintenance to prevent degrading. When Stucco is regularly exposed to moisture and poor drainage, problems can compound and deterioration becomes beyond simple fixes. 

Stucco can absorb water and break down over time. The first sign of damage our clients often report is growing fissures and cracks, and peeling finish. This is not just ugly, but siding becomes a prime growing environment for molds.


 Prevention Saves Money!

We believe prevention is always key to saving our clients money. Contact Los Angeles Stucco & Drywall Repair to address any issues with your current Stucco Siding today.


When moisture and drainage problems exist, we often refer homeowners seek permanent solutions before starting any new Stucco work to protect their investment. Taking care of costly water problems first allows your new Stucco Siding to last for a very long time. 

Drainage issues can be very simple fixes, sometimes as easy as redirecting downspouts or cleaning your gutters. Other issues can be more serious and require regrading of your property or removal of vegetation. Before your Stucco work can begin, these problems will need to be dealt with. 

Stucco, like all sidings, ages with exposure to the elements and over time. When properly applied and correctly sealed, your stucco will only require yearly inspections and spot maintenance, saving your pocketbook.

Los Angeles Stucco & Drywall Repair provides estimates for work as well as yearly maintenance plans that can save you money in the long run. We encourage homeowners to work with us to keep their homes looking and performing beautifully.

Los Angeles Stucco & Drywall Repair Keeps your home Beautiful!

CALL US TODAY!   213-267-9484


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